Portsmouth, Suurbritannia - stažeerimine 07.05-13.05.2018 1 nädal ettevõtetes
reede, 11. mai 2018
Inventuur ja seadmete kirjeldus
Inventuur ja seadmete kirjeldus
Tana hommikul tegime arvutimangudele inventuuri ja seadmetele (console) kasutusjuhendid erinevates keeles. Minu ulesanne oli kirjeldada Commodore A600, The C64 mini ja Toshiba HX-10. Informatsiooni tolkisin ja esitasin inglise, eesti ja vene keeles. Minuga koos labivat praktikat opilased Saksamaalt, Poolast, Czechist. Vaga meeldiv koostoo oli, panime koik oma valitud mangukonsoolid kokku ja saime paris suure dokumendi erinevates keeles.
Day 2 in Gosportglobe
The Gosport Globe second workday
The Gosport Globe is owned and operated by My Free News LTD. We have launched this web site because we believe that you deserve to get a full weekly newspaper absolutely free.
We decided to make use of Internet technology to deliver your Gosport Globe and this web site has been especially built with that goal in mind. You can view top news stories on the front page as they break, and use the navigation tabs at the top to view other pages within the site, including a business directory and useful community service contact details for the Gosport area.
NewsPaper webcite: http://www.gosportglobe.uk/downloads.php
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