Portsmouth, Suurbritannia - stažeerimine 07.05-13.05.2018 1 nädal ettevõtetes
kolmapäev, 16. mai 2018
laupäev, 12. mai 2018
University of Portsmouth
About Univesity of Portsmouth
We have an excellent reputation for quality teaching and sustained, high levels of student satisfaction. Our commitment to preparing you for your future career is evident in every course, dedicated careers and recruitment services and a strong graduate employment track record. More than this, you have access to fantastic facilities in a vibrant city campus on the beautiful South Coast – only 90 minutes from central London.
Boat trip
Portsmouth Harbours regular and daily Harbour Tour will offer unrivalled views of the Historic and Modern Navy. The heated boat with large open decks will take you on a tour of the dockyard as well as Portsmouth and Gosport, listen to the stories that shaped Portsmouth Harbour. The 45 Min tour is a great way to enjoy some time on the water before your trip up the Emirates Spinnaker Tower to enjoy the views of Portsmouth.
Quay in Portsmouth
Gunwharf Quays of Portsmouth
Great place for shopping. Lovely places to eat all in one place. Play up pompey !!! Shops are great food is amazing in all bar one its a great place. Lovely spotlessy clean place, gorgous views of the harbour, lovely for day out, whether shopping, or just looking at the harbour.
View of the city from a bird's eye view. Spinnaker tower
There are so many great things to do in Portsmouth and the surrounding area. And you can easily combine your visits to the Emirates Spinnaker Tower with one of the other nearby leading attractions by booking a joint ticket.
Experience Portsmouth's two top attractions with your group with the Emirates Spinnaker Tower + Historic Dockyard joint ticket. This offer includes a visit to the Mary Rose Museum, HMS Warrior,
HMS Victory, a harbour tour, the National Museum of the Royal Navy, The HMS Monitor m.33, Battle of Jutland exhibition and a trip up the Emirates Spinnaker Tower.
This unique building holds many fascinating stories. Learn about our history & construction and find out how and why we light the tower. Read about the charities we support and the wider Continuum Attractions group that we are part of.
reede, 11. mai 2018
Inventuur ja seadmete kirjeldus
Inventuur ja seadmete kirjeldus
Tana hommikul tegime arvutimangudele inventuuri ja seadmetele (console) kasutusjuhendid erinevates keeles. Minu ulesanne oli kirjeldada Commodore A600, The C64 mini ja Toshiba HX-10. Informatsiooni tolkisin ja esitasin inglise, eesti ja vene keeles. Minuga koos labivat praktikat opilased Saksamaalt, Poolast, Czechist. Vaga meeldiv koostoo oli, panime koik oma valitud mangukonsoolid kokku ja saime paris suure dokumendi erinevates keeles.
Day 2 in Gosportglobe
The Gosport Globe second workday
The Gosport Globe is owned and operated by My Free News LTD. We have launched this web site because we believe that you deserve to get a full weekly newspaper absolutely free.
We decided to make use of Internet technology to deliver your Gosport Globe and this web site has been especially built with that goal in mind. You can view top news stories on the front page as they break, and use the navigation tabs at the top to view other pages within the site, including a business directory and useful community service contact details for the Gosport area.
NewsPaper webcite: http://www.gosportglobe.uk/downloads.php
neljapäev, 10. mai 2018
Gosport Globe Newspapers
Gosport Globe
Our Editorial Director is Robin Young. Robin has been involved with the newspaper industry for more than 40 years, and has worked as a journalist and editor in a wide variety of locations from as far afield as the Scottish Highlands, Greece, and Northern Ireland.
He has been the editor of free and paid for weekly newspapers since the year 2000, and also has experience of book editing and authoring. He is a member of the National Union of Journalists, and a former member of the Society of Editors and the International Federation of Journalists
If you are an accomplished salesperson with a track record in B2B selling you could be the ideal candidate.
The successful applicant will preferably have experience in advertising sales, although this is not essential, and will be able to communicate at all levels. Please send an e-mail (with your CV attached) to tell us why you could be our sales executive to: admin@gosportglobe.uk.
Minnes toole. Teine paev.
Teine toopaev GAME OVERis
Too algab kell 11:30 aga kohal peame olema 11:15. Tana hilinesid meie juhatajad 15 minutit. Kohal on teine muuja ja juhataja Steve. Said koik arvutid toola pandud ja ohufiltrid ara vahetatud, nii, et too voib alata. Eilse paeva seisuga meid kulastasid ainult kaks inimest. Nii moodub paev tool. Ise leiad endale tegevuse kui ei leia siis juhataja voi muuja aitab. Eile sorteerisin manguklubis olevas vaikses poeskaua vastavalt kuupaevadele (kolblik kuni: ), kaup mille realiseerimisaeg on lahenemas tostetakse ette ja kaup mille tahtaeg on veel jargmine aasta tostetakse taha poole. Kui riiulil on vahe kaupa saad laost juurde tuua ja letile asetada....
kolmapäev, 9. mai 2018
Old computer games
Old computer games.
Tana kulastats minu tookohta Olga, ma tutvustasin Teda Sahrale (muuja) ja palusin teha talle ekskursiooni oma tookohal. Naitasin erinevaid mangukonsoole (8-bit, 16-bit, SEGA ....). Mangu riiulil on palju erinevad mange, vanu, uuemaid jne. Olfga tulekuga Sarah lubas mind koju ja esimesel p'eval ma lopetasin kell 16:30, manguklubi pannakse kinni kell 18:00 tegelikult.
Way IBD to Gosport
Way IBD to Gosport
(The IBD Partnership, Northumberland Rd, Portsmouth, Southsea PO5 1AN)
(Bury House Bistro, Citizen Advocacy Bury House, Bury Rd, Gosport PO12 3PX)
Esimene minek toole praamiga. Muidu kogu tee votab 55 minutit aega, enne kodunt bussiga 26 peatust kesklinna, seejarel praamiga seitse minutit ja siis veel bussiga.
My first workday
Minu esimene toopaev algas 11.15 - 09.05.2018 (16 High st. Portsmouth, Hampshire Area)
16 arvutit (erinevad - vanad ja uued)
ule 1200 avutimangu (PACMAN - ConterStrike ....)
Manguklubi avatakse kell 11:30
Too lopp on kell 18:00
Uks inimene maksab 10£ (naela) ja saab mangida kaks tundi. Too lopetamisel alates 17:00 enam inimesi vastu ei voeta, kuna too lopuni on jaanud vahem kui kaks tundi.
Manguklubi avatakse kell 11:30
Too lopp on kell 18:00
Uks inimene maksab 10£ (naela) ja saab mangida kaks tundi. Too lopetamisel alates 17:00 enam inimesi vastu ei voeta, kuna too lopuni on jaanud vahem kui kaks tundi.
- aidata neid inimesi kes tulevad mangima arvutimange kui nendel tekkivad probleemid
- vahetada mange inimeste soovikorral
- vahetada vee ohufilterites
- hoida riiulid mangudega korras
- vaike pood - jalgida, et kaupa alati jatkuks
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